Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What are the goals that the monitoring system must deliver?

As you gain insight into the customer's desired outcomes, resist the temptation to take the first thing your customer contact says as the one,true goal for this opportunity. Sometimes this contact is thinking about Personal parochial interests and not looking at the larger, organizational objectives. For instance,suppose you are talking to I.T.manager and you are learning more about the reasons why this person's company wants to develop an in-house test bed for monitoring engine performance,you know how important it is. You ask question #3:"What are the goals that the monitoring system must deliver? How will you know that the system you purchase is the right one for this application?" And the I.T.manager says, "The system must be compatible, it won't work here."Now,do you think that's the most important goal for the entire company? Or does it perhaps reflect the I.T.manager's anxiety about not being able to support an application that doesn't work in corporate-approved platform and doesn't match the skill sets of his or her employees?
Always push for deeper insight into the goals. In fact, I urge you to analyze the situation in terms of four overlappingareas:Business, Technical, Social, and Personal.

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