Monday, May 30, 2011

The potential client

What about the clients who issue RFPs or request proposals with no intention of buying something? They are looking for free consulting,and to the extent you answer all of their questions,you may be giving away the solution. Or the client may solicit bids in an effort to"beat up" the existing vendor. Does this really happen? Yes. Is it ethical? No. If you are selling a product,you have wasted time and energy,because you've prepared a proposal for somebody who never intended to buy anything. But if you're selling a creative solution,an idea, a syestem design,or other intellectual property,you may have lost much more.The potential client may glean enough substance from your proposal that he tries or she tries to do it without you, using your concepts but developing them internally.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Soliciting creative ideas or getting free consulting.

Decision makers face a tremendous number of demands on their time and abilities. They need to know what's out there, who has it, and how much it costs. They need to know if there are new ways of handling old challenges.What are the trends in the industry? Who are the new people in the game? It's overwhelming. One way to establish a base of information is to ask for proposals. As long as you are honest with the sales representative about your time frame, there is nothing wrong with this practice.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Slowing Down The Sales Process

Sales is a little bit like courtship.The word "proposal"applies to the final part of both activities.In the early stages of both,the process can take on a momentum of its own. We become happy and enchanted with new possibilities, and we hastine forward.Asking for a written proposal slows the sales process down.The customer figures that it will take several days,maybe even a couple of weeks,for the salesperson to put together a proposal,which give the customer time to think about this decision calmly,to weigh the options,to determine whether this opportunity will look as good the morning after as it does now.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Adding Objectivity to the buying process

It appears odd,but some people don't want to buy from people they like. They're afraid that if they really like the sales man or woman, they will somehow make a bad decision based on rapport or friendship. If that strikes you a goofy way to make a buying decision, join the club.(After all, wouldn't you rather do business after the sale with people you like?) Regardless, it makes enough point to some customers and prospects that they will try to create an arm's length relationship by asking you for a written proposal.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Clarifying Complex Information

Do you sell something so complex that it would take you more than ten minutes to explain it to your father? If so,it's possible some of your prospects don't understand it, either. A proposal gives the nontechnical customer a chance to study,analyze,ponder,get help, and eventually understand.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Comparing Offers

Comparing vendors,prices or offers. Ask yourself this question,am i the only vendor this prospect is talking to? It's possible you are being asked for a proposal so that your recomendations,pricing and evidence can be compared to a competitor's. Buying products or services can be difficult, especially when the decision maker must deal with an array of options,lots of conflicting claims,and little practical knowledge of the area under consideration."Getting it in writing"is the traditional way to deal with this challenges.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Get good proposals for your clients

Why do customers ask us for a proposal when the recommendations we have made in person so obviously make sense? Because the proposal has value for them.For instance,a good proposal can help the decision maker to: 1.Compare vendors,or prices so he or she can make an informed decision 2.Clarify complex information 3.Make the buying process more"objective" 4.Solicit creative ideas,get free consulting and become educated.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Excellent tips on what to do to have a great day,everyday

1.Write down a basic plan for the day.Evaluate and prioritize the reward and benefits of the activities to you 2.Concentrate on those activities that produce quality results.Give them your best to get excellent results 3.Give total attention to the task at hand,and refuse to be distracted 4.Be sensitive to the schedule of others. Try not to give people open ended appointment 5.Remember to appreciate someone for something today 6.Create quality time to consult with God. This is the secret of all inspirations 7. Make sure your activities are all focused on the achievement of your greater goals.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Money is a slave of ideas

Take charge of your habits.You are not in control of your future,you are only in control of your habits,and your habits in turn control your future.You become the person you are,not just because of the different things you do in a day,but what you do consistently.You have to maximize every moment of your life to turn out successful.If you can win in seven days,you can win in a week,if you can win in four weeks;you have won in a month,if you win in twelve months,you have won in a year,if you win in several years,you win in a life time.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Business, the provision of solution

This should be cheering news for people in emerging economies of Africa, where there are huge opportunities for needs to be met.Business is simply finding a need and meeting the need.It is the provision of solution to a prevailing problem,difficulty and challenges in a community.Cultivate your ideas.Start with a vision and plot your way into the future of your dreams.Become an entrepreneur.A person who will find a need and meet it is set up for success and achievements.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Every Business Starts as an Idea

A trained and qualified lawyer for instance can start and successfully run a furniture making business.Entrepreneurs were simply having fun doing what they enjoy,while making money.Every business starts as an idea,which,once planted like a seed,grows to become a veritable economic machine.It is erroneous to think that business start with money.Money is a slave of ideas.There will always be money for a genuine idea.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

You can start a business of your own

It is obvious from the skills analyzed from the previous post that most people can develop what it takes to be an entrepreneur and start a business of their own as an alternative to a fruitless pursuit of limited job opportunities.The assumption that there is a particular kind of acedemic qualifications e.g business administration or some kind of people that can start a business is not true.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Get the ability to switch on and off

More characteristics in creating and running your own business successfully:RESOLVE-This is the ability to push back the boundaries of physical and emotional pain, while still maintaining discipline and effort under distres. GUTS-This is the ability to accept that anxiety/pressure is inevitable and knowing that you can cope with it.INDEPENDENCE-This is not being affected by others good or bad performance.COMPETIVENESS-Ability to thrive under pressure A SENSE OF HUMOR-This is the ability to switch on and off as required in order to balance focus with fun.


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