Thursday, December 23, 2010

Determine your career objectives

I have observed that there are two kinds of job applicants in the job market:- The marketing applicants and the market-driven applicants. The marketing applicant is the person looking for a job everywhere, through everyone and at whatever price. These are applicants that have a uniform resume or CV that is circulated every where. These applicants are working hard at getting a job and are often frustrated after several months or years of waiting without end to get a job. The market-driven applicants on the other hand are those that carefully tailor their application in line with the specific requirements of the job market. They tend to observe the changing trends in an industry, sector or economy and position themselves with requisite skill for emerging opportunities. These applicants are well prepared and are always an empoyer's delight at interviews. These applicants work smart at getting jobs and are often rewarded with several offers. Success and failure at job search begins with this distinction. A market-driven applicant determins his career objective as the beginning of a job search. A career objective is a careful description of what an applicant wants to achieve with the job he is searching for. This is an important part of a winning resume. The employer tends to favor applicants that are focused, organized and pro-active.


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