Thursday, November 4, 2010

Job for everyone

There are some fundamental truths regarding jobs, which when fully understood will help you a great deal. These include the following: 1. There is a job for everyone. I know this sound unrealistic, but it is the truth. No one exist in isolation; you are the solution to someone's problem. You may not have a job now, but there will always be a work to do. Get to it and give it your best shot. If you are not willing to work for nothing, you will never be paid for something. 2. Finding the job that fits is the major challenge of most people. The best job for you is not necessarily the "right"job, but the one that you have made right. Winners do not look for the right job; they make the job they have found the right one. 3. Finding a job is a job itself. It is principally a process of "selling yourself" to a prospective employer. It requires the same professional skill as that of the greatest sales person in the world. Unfortunatly,many people are very casual in their search and more often rely on luck to get a job. Success in life is not an accident; it is a conscious choice of a desired destiny.4. Getting a job starts with an interview; sadly many are ill prepared for this critical process and end up missing great opportunities. As a matter of fact, the secret of getting a job quickly is to look for an interview and not a job. The interview is the neccessary input for the required output `the job. The right focus will be to prepare to win at every interview because you will likely be offered the job upon satisfactory performance in the interview process.5. Deciding on your career is crucial to getting a job on time. Too many people merely float in life, but you must realize that employers require stable people. If you don't know where you want to be in the next five years, why would anybody want to hire you? A JOB IS A MEANS TO AN END AND NOT AN END ITSELF.The end, in this context, is your career. You will need to decide what a suitable career is, after a careful analysis of yourself. A careful analysis of yourself will include giving honest thought to your dreams,goals,aspirations,likes and dislikes,training and experience,personality type etc. 6. You must challenge your fears. This takes continuous personal discipline and training. You must take risks and force yourself to do things you shy away from. Fear is simply Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real. It comes to cripple your imagination which is the seat of creativity. The ability to conquer in life means facing difficulties and overcoming them. It means not losing courage when promises are not kept and when employers are rude.


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