Thursday, December 30, 2010

Properly document the job search effort

It is important that you create a file or journal to record all your job search efforts in such a way that information can be easily retrieved. This will help you in your preparation for an interview. Poor information management has been the bane of most intelligent applicants. A lifetime opportunity can be lost by a careless misrepresentation of information due to poor recording of facts. Always remember that a paper and pen is smarter than the sharpest human mind. This is because it does not forget. Write down all relevant information within the first ten minutes of hearing them. Store important information about opportunities in places you can easily retrieve them. This is not an expensive exercise, it only requires being conscious of your need to track information as they come to you.
Properly document the job search effort

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Determine the cost of job search

Searching for a job is a full time job in itself; requiring the use of time and resources. Most people hardly give thoughts to the expenses involved in job search in terms of physical, material emotional and financial resources (transportation, telephone calls, stationery, photocopying, postage, and dressing). The important thing to note here is the effective management of time and resources in the course of your job search.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Seeking is always pre-requisite to discovery. This principle holds true for jobs. However, most people are looking for the right things in the wrong places; thus, the first step in a successful job search is an analysis of the most common sources of employment. The following are the common sources of job prospects: * Applying directly to a company without seeking suggestions or referrals from anyone. This could be based on your investigation of the company's activities. It is surprisingly the most effective source of job prospects. * Advertisement in newspapers, professional journals and magazines * Career offices in Schools * Recriutment agencies * Company's website * Word of mouth from friends, families and mentors * Career Fairs * Social Organisations and Groups * Government Employment Agencies * Networking through professional and social groups. Using every source of information available to you increases your chances of getting a job within a minimum time.


You will have to determine your kind of job in line with your career objectives in order to impress employers at interviews. Determining your kind of job does not mean that there is a particular job you are most suited for, it only means that you have carefully appraised your interest, values, qualifications, training and experience and match them with various job profiles in various sectors or industries of an economy. You are likely to be suited for a job in more than one industry, but you will have to define yourself appropriately for an employer to understand what you have to offer. For instance, a person may be suited for work in the financial services as well as telecommunications industry depending on the matching of abilities to the required job profile.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Determine your career objectives

I have observed that there are two kinds of job applicants in the job market:- The marketing applicants and the market-driven applicants. The marketing applicant is the person looking for a job everywhere, through everyone and at whatever price. These are applicants that have a uniform resume or CV that is circulated every where. These applicants are working hard at getting a job and are often frustrated after several months or years of waiting without end to get a job. The market-driven applicants on the other hand are those that carefully tailor their application in line with the specific requirements of the job market. They tend to observe the changing trends in an industry, sector or economy and position themselves with requisite skill for emerging opportunities. These applicants are well prepared and are always an empoyer's delight at interviews. These applicants work smart at getting jobs and are often rewarded with several offers. Success and failure at job search begins with this distinction. A market-driven applicant determins his career objective as the beginning of a job search. A career objective is a careful description of what an applicant wants to achieve with the job he is searching for. This is an important part of a winning resume. The employer tends to favor applicants that are focused, organized and pro-active.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


There are some important job search facts you need to know that will help you to create a good job search strategy.These are: ¡.75% of all jobs are never advertised ¡¡. Who you know is as important as what you know ¡¡¡. 86% of employers in most developing countries have fewer than 100 employees ¡v.71% of new job seekers found their job through the internet, friends and relatives v. 24% of new job seekers found their job through old contacts with an employer when no job was posted v¡. 5% of new job seekers found their job through newspaper or web advertisement. Having the above in mind, a blueprint for a successful job search will include the following courses of action mapped out by the job-seeker to enhance a fruitful result in the job search.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A detailed analysis of each of the criteria posted previously

Concern for Effectiveness: A person demonstrating this competence will: ¡. Express pride and/or enthusiam about increasing productivity or reducing cost ¡¡. State specific improvements or benefits that result from his/her involvement in activities ¡¡¡. Look for ways to reduce cost and time and increase operational efficiency, without compromising quality and attention to detail ¡v. Express concern for wasted time or lack of return on investment of time and resources 2. Initiative: A person demonstrating this competency will: ¡. Do things before being asked by others or forced by events ¡¡. Seek the needed information on his/her own to aid the accomplishment of a task ¡¡¡. Take action that goes beyond the requirements of the situation ¡v. Take action in solving problems or pursuing opportunities 3. Enthusiam for Work: A person demonstrating this competency will: ¡. Express pleasure at having the opportunity to learn new things ¡¡. Speak enthusiastically about his/her role in the accomplishment of a task ¡¡¡. Regard work as an activity that should be enriching, enjoyable and meaningful. Self Confidence: A person demonstrating this competency will: ¡. Express confidence in his/her own abilities ¡¡. Interact confidently with others in positions of authority ¡¡¡. Confront people in positions of power about disagreements ¡v. Take calculated risks to reach challenging goals.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Concern for impact: A person demonstrating this competency will: ¡.Try to have a
specific impact on others ¡¡. Use or suggest strategies for influencing others(such as possibility of reward,convincing through the use of logical argument). 2. Conceptual Thinking: A person demonstrating competency will: ¡. See connections or patterns between seemingly unrelated facts or events. ¡¡. Be able to identify the major issues in a complex situation 3. Analytical Thinking: A person demonstrating this competency will: ¡. Be able to describe problems in terms of cause and effect. ¡¡. Solve complex problems by breaking them down into manageable components or logical steps ¡¡¡. Consider alternative ways of solving problem 3. Interpersonal Astuteness: A person demonstrating this competency will: ¡. Be able to state how others likely to react in a situation ¡¡. Make plans and then take into account how others are likely to react ¡¡¡. Be able to note and interpret the non-verbal behavior of others. 4. Effective Communication: A person demonstrating this competency will: ¡. Use simple examples to communicate complex issues ¡¡. Be understood by others clearly and effectively ¡¡¡. Make effective use of data to support ideas.5. Flexibility: A person demonstrating this competency will: ¡. Be able to articulate serveral perspectives on problem ¡¡. Be able to switch to alternate strategies when necessary.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The selection of competent employees in highly rated job

Requirement & Explanation:1. concern for effectiveness. This is an underlying concern for doing things better 2. Initiative: This is a willingness to go beyond what the situation requires and to act before being ask 3. Enthusiam for work:This refers to being zealous about the job and a consequent willingness to work hard and energetically 4. Self confidence: This can be defined as a sense of confidence in one's ability to succeed,reach challenging goals,or overcome obstacles 5. Concern for impact: This is a continual awareness of the impression one is making on others 6. Conceptual Thinking: This is the ability to assess experiences,observations and seemingly unrelated bits of information and from that assessment to see patterns, and to draw inferences and conclusions not readily apparent 7. Analytical Thinking: This is the ability to think logically, to see relationships between cause and effect and, as a result, to plan, anticipate, and evaluate systematically 8. Interpersonal Astuteness: This is exhibiting and understanding of the desires, strenghts and weakness of others; an ability to interpret the feelings and unstated concerns of other people 9.Effective Communication: This is the ability and skill to make effective presentations to others, either formally or informally 10. Flexibility: This is the willingness to shift strategies and accept other view points.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Every once in a while ask yourself, "Based on my own work each day, would I hire myself?

Have you ever thought about the above question in your search for job? If you have, what do you think an employer wants? The importance of this question in an interview session is shown with questions like "what value can you add to our organization? Or why do you want to work with us?" From these questions, it can be deduced that an employer wants someone that can add value to the organization. However, adding value to the organization is a function of the ability to solve problems. Most people are qualified educationally for the job, but they fail an aptitude test or interview session to show that they can do the job. Employers will consider the educational qualifications, level of training, experience, job interest and your career goals. All these however, must translate to your ability to perform creditably and excellently on the job and not just to have qualifications.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How to identify and use your skills efficiently

1. Identify your skills ¡. Prepare a list of your skills by reviewing your previous work, wether in a paid employment or as a volunteer. ¡¡. Review and add identifiable foundational skills. ¡¡¡. Review the skills typically required of the job you are interested in, ie. Marketable skill. ¡v. Make a list of all those achievements, or similar "good experiences" that you have had in the past 2-5 years `wether work`related or not. Those you feel you did well, enjoyed doing, and feel proud of doing. Add these skills to your list. They are called your motivated skills v. Add all the identified skills, rank and choose the best seven. Now,for each one chosen, write down or tell someone the following: ¡. What you did ¡¡. How you did it ¡¡¡. What happened 2. Know the skills Employers want ¡. How strong are your foundational skills? Take a careful look at them. These are skills all Empoyers need from a prospective employee. ¡¡. When you see discriptions of jobs you want, pay close attention to the skills the employer wants. These are work content skills. ¡¡¡. Learn what peculiar skills are required for the job in which you have an interest.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Type of skills required in the employment market

1.Foundational skills. Foundational skills are the ones every worker needs to exist in a work environment. These include the following: ¡. Basic: These are skills that are essential for all people to survive in life. ¡¡. People: These are skills required to live satisfactorily with others in any society ¡¡¡. Thinking: These are sometimes referred to as common sense. ¡v. Personal qualities: These are unique skills peculiar to a person due to his genetic traits. 2. Marketable skills. These skills can also be referred to "Work Content Statements". They are skills that help an employer in his decision to hire an employee to perform specific tasks. These include the following: ¡. All of the Foundational Skill. ¡¡. The skills listed in job vacancy advertisements. ¡¡¡. Skills unique to a particular company that other companies do not use. 3. Transferable Skills. Transferable skills are those that you can transfer from one occupation to another. For example, an architect can transfer his or her skills to occupations like that of an Engineer or a Builder. Your transferable skills are valuable because they enable you to work in a variety of occupations in different but related industry. 4. Motivated Skills. Motivated skills are those skills that you enjoy using. It is important you know this skills if, you want to work at something you enjoy doing. These are especially important in thinking about your career direction.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

What can you offer Employers

Every organization has a purpose, vision and mission, and to attain this purpose they need highly qualified and competent personnel. You must determine what qualities you really have to offer a potential employer after assessing your skills and abilities. Your abilities provide you with the competitive edge you will need to secure a job. YOUR EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION; Your education can provide entry for you into the job market, but you can only stay in the market and maintain a high negotiating power through the assessment, recognition, and utilization of your ability on the work. JOB LOCATION, Geographical consideration could affect your interest in a particular job. It is essential that you assess your probable area of job location.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The principles for assessing your abilities

The following principles are useful in assessing your abilities and interests: 1) Expectation why do you want to do the kind of job you are aiming for? What are your immediate and future expectations from this endeavour? Build your expectations by looking out for relevant information from searching within you and also from your environment. 2) Interest Does your interest correspond with your educational qualification? It is advisable that you do a job that your interests can support, enhance and promote. Interest provides the drive or enthusiasm to perform and achieve a desired objective. 3) Career Objective You must have a career objective; it is only then that a job will be a meaningful tool to achieve this objective. Your job in this sense becomes a means to an end rather than an end in itself. You should set goals ; it is the only measure of direction in your life. Without a career objective, job seeking becomes a routine aspect of existence instead of a tool to achieving a meaningful and purposeful life. What do you want to become in five years from now? Without a determinable, definable and achievable target, you will work anywhere, anyhow and at any price. This is a cheap way to live.

The principles for assessing your abilities

The following principles are useful in assessing your abilities and interests: 1) Expectation why do you want to do the kind of job you are aiming for? What are your immediate and future expectations from this endeavour? Build your expectations by looking out for relevant information from searching within you and also from your environment. 2) Interest Does your interest correspond with your educational qualification? It is advisable that you do a job that your interests can support, enhance and promote. Interest provides the drive or enthusiasm to perform and achieve a desired objective. 3) Career Objective You must have a career objective; it is only then that a job will be a meaningful tool to achieve this objective. Your job in this sense becomes a means to an end rather than an end in itself. You should set goals ; it is the only measure of direction in your life. Without a career objective, job seeking becomes a routine aspect of existence instead of a tool to achieving a meaningful and purposeful life. What do you want to become in five years from now? Without a determinable, definable and achievable target, you will work anywhere, anyhow and at any price. This is a cheap way to live.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Success is not just about learning the right principles to apply.

A weakness can be said to be a lack of strength, power or determination in a particular area. It usually manifest as expressing difficulty in carrying out a task or resistance to change or new idea. A weakness once identified can be improved and changed into strenght. Your knowledge of your strenghts and weaknesses are usually tested in an interview process through questions like "Tell us about yourself". Once you are able to determine your abilities, you can begin to communicate them effectively to prospective employers and use them to your advantage in the market place. Success is not just about learning the right principles to apply, it is also the ability to know the principles that can lead to failure and avoid them. It is amazing to see how many people devote their lives to a field of endeavour or a profession that has little or nothing to do with their abilities. You are gifted with abilities to become whatever you choose to be in life, but you must know them and take advantage of them. The man who wakes up early to this fact will always be ahead of his colleagues.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How much do you know yourself ?

Every successful business must have a competitive advantage which gives the business the edge in an industry. The same can be said for you as you compete in an employer's market. Do you have a unique ability that makes you preferable to other applicants? An appraisal of your abilities and personality can be done through a careful analysis of your strength and weakness. Strengths are qualities, special endowments, skills or aptitude that a person possesses which makes the person operate in a unique way in handling a task. Strengths can also be in the form of technical skills, a natural ability, or knowledge of doing things.This will often be a combination of training, educational qualification, background experience, interests and values.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Your uniqueness is your brand

ASSESS YOUR ABILITIES The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. The next step to a successful job search after defining your vision is an appraisal of your abilities. You need to do this to establish your uniqueness in the job market. What you are able to offer an employer is your uniqueness and your uniqueness is your brand. Too many are mere applicants. You have to move from being a job applicant, which is like a commodity to being a person who has something valuable to offer to prospective employer. This is branding of yourself and it is the secret of winning in a competitive environment. Abilities are the hidden capacity to get the right things done at the right time. It is a mixture of intelligence quotient and adversity quotient. Intelligence Quotient is the demonstration of a technical skill, while Adversity Quotient is staying power; the ability to withstand pressure in the face of adversity. Your abilities are very vital to your productivity and your prductivity in turn determines your economic well being. Ability is a combination of the power to achieve a project and the drive or enthusiasm to see the project to a logical conclusion.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How long do you want to work in an organization?

Most people have been employed their entire lifetime,only to realize that they only have regrettable work experiences. Some even find themselves going through the painful routine of working in an environment they find uninspiring. In both cases, these may be a lack of plan of how long you want to work in a particular place. It might be that you have decided to work in a place as long as you are needed and the conditions of work are favorable, but how long can you hold out?, you would have to quit someday due to age. It is not unusual to transit from being an employee to an employer, although this, if not properly planned, can lead to failure. Thus, it is important that you have a plan of how long you want to work in an organization so that you can work on your persona objective and harmonize this as much as possible with the objectives of the organization while in employment.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


What future plan do you have for yourself? Employment can only guarantee financial security while you are at it, but only a sound plan for the future will ensure financial freedom. It is important that you carefully determine and start to execute whatever plans you have for your future as soon as you can. There are so many people today that are disgruntled with their employers and as a result have diminished in their productivity. This situation is due to the absence of a plan for the future. Getting a job without a clear idea of how the job can impact or enhance your life for the future can sometimes lead to frustration and depression. The ideal thing to do is to ask yourself important questions as you search for and accept employment opportunities.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Development of particular skill

It is one thing to be good individually, but it takes the right attitude, values and belief sysem for people to work together for the good of an organization. It is important that you determine ahead, the benefits you are looking for in a particular job. WHAT BENEFITS ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN THE JOB? Your objectives could be initial job training, development of particular skill, exposure to certain professional environment,financial remuneration or opportunity for international experiences and exposures. However, your expected benefit for the proposed job should be in line with the current position in your career ladder. Research has shown that people at the entry level tend to look for jobs where they can get the right training experience and personal development that will enable them move up in their career, while people at mid`career look for job opportunities that helps them consolidate their experiences and take higher responsibilities . A good rule to follow is to make the main objective in any job an opportunity for self development.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Principles and belief

Your personal vision is usually discribed in your career objectives. A career is bigger than a job; infact it sometimes takes working in various jobs to fulfill a career. Too many people are looking for a job just because of the economic benefits. This is good i n the short term, but in the long term, to receive more reward, you will have to increase your skill. You will not always be paid for appearance, but for the value you help create for others. What values do you uphold that might affect your choice of job? Values are principles and belief systems that guide a person's actions in life. You will need to determine your values before you start your job search. Organizations are often weary of employees that have values that are at cross purposes with their own values. Values are the bedrock of attitudes and attitude is the key to your altitude. Your attitude will have a lot to do with your ability to get a job on time. Your educational qualifications are necessary requirement for work,but this is often not surfficient. Values are more important because it helps the Organization to blend people to work together.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Vision is the invisible picture of a desired future. It is a clear and precise mental portrait of a preferable future. Vision is the energy for consistent action,the tonic that keeps you going in the face of rejections and disappointments. It is the guiding factor for all your efforts. Vision helps you answer the following pertinent questions before you can make progress in your job search: 1. Why do you want to work in a particular industry, sector or Organization? 2. What values do you uphold that might affect your choice of job? 3. What benefits are you looking for in the job? 4. What future plan do you have for yourself? 5. How long do you want to work in an Organization? The question No.1 above is one of the most common questions in inteview sessions. It simply probes for personal vision. You must have a personal vision that is more than geting a job. Jobs are designed by employers to meet the objectives of the owner. While working towards this objective is important,it is more important that you are achieving your personal vision in the process.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

make progress in your career

From the points so far, winning at job search and making progress in your career in a competitive environment involves being fully acquainted with and critically considering the following important steps: 1 Identify your vision 2 Assess your abilities.3 What do Employers want 4 Job search plan 5 Applying for a Job 6 The Interview process 7 Tips for Career Success 8 Turning your setback into setup. If you do not think about the future, you cannot have one. Success in life is the result of a vision. Winning at a job search begins with the right vision of your aspirations in life.It is impossible to arrive at any meaningful destination without prior determination of the direction.It has been said that if you aim at nothing, you'll get nothing.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Discover the joy of work

The value of work should be learned at an early age,although it is never too late to learn. Discover the joy of work and achievement; whether you are self `employed or employed by someone else. Those who are pre `occupied with avoiding work and pursuing pleasure usually learn too late in life that they missed much of the real fun in living. Measure your work by the love you can give to it and the enjoyment you get from engaging in that activity rather than the monetary reward you derive from it. Work with purpose. Working for the sake of work alone is little more than self punishment, but labor gladly accepted and thoroughly executed, can be true delight. Hundreds of thousands of people look out for a job and quit when they find work. Tens of thousands of employees worry and wish to be PROMOTED but they make no effort to prepare themselves for promotion. If a man wants to be transplanted, he should first grow too big for the pot that he is in. The great inventions of Thomas A. Edison were the fruit of long and painstaking effort. He said,"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety `nine percent perspiration. I never did anything worth doing by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work".

Monday, November 8, 2010

Success Await you

Nothing is impossible if you try hard."Wish for the Moon", used to be seeking something impossible, yet man tried that"impossibility" and made it possible. Greatness and success await every man who will rise above failures, and use defeat as a stepping stone to victory. If you are deluged by discouragement, it means that you need to re`order your thinking process. The desire to grow and to make the most ourselves is within all of us. We are conscious of the fact that we have resources yet untapped, talents we have never used, and capacities which have never been tested. Ambition is like the picture printed on a seed packet. You know what you want and what you expect. If you are without ambition you are like a gardener who plants seed from a packet which has no label. He does not know what to expect and cannot prepare accordingly. For your life to have any value,you must have an ambition and a determination to reach your goal. You must believe that you have a purpose to fulfill.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Success or Failure

Think about it. A lot of people who have jobs are dissatisfied with their jobs because they are trying to solve the right problem for the wrong employer. On the other hand, some others are trying to solve the wrong problem for the right employer. The best thing you can do then, is to prepare yourself to be the right problem`solver. Don't wait for someone to call you and give you a job. It is not wise to wait until work knocks at your door. It probably won't. Invest in yourself and look for opportunities to solve problems. If there are no opportunities, create them. You have to blaze your own employment trail. Sometimes,the recommendation of someone may help, but if you do not have this priviege, step out all the same. Someone will look at your merits and connect with you. There is a great deal of satisfaction in being able to stand alone and succeed. Life is how you look at it and what you make of it. Your attitudes and perceptions will determine your actions. The number of opportunities a person has in life depends not on how"lucky"he is, but on how well he has traind his mind to see opportunities in ordinary daily routines and occurrences. Success or failure depends more on the individual than his environment. What is your perception of life? It matters how you perceive your world. You will have to become "inverse paranoid" to succeed in a competitive environment. Let me explain. Being "inverse paranoid" is the belief that everything in life is conspiring together to help you succeed. With this kind of mind`set, the people that gravitate towards you will be those with your kind of attitude.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Job for everyone

There are some fundamental truths regarding jobs, which when fully understood will help you a great deal. These include the following: 1. There is a job for everyone. I know this sound unrealistic, but it is the truth. No one exist in isolation; you are the solution to someone's problem. You may not have a job now, but there will always be a work to do. Get to it and give it your best shot. If you are not willing to work for nothing, you will never be paid for something. 2. Finding the job that fits is the major challenge of most people. The best job for you is not necessarily the "right"job, but the one that you have made right. Winners do not look for the right job; they make the job they have found the right one. 3. Finding a job is a job itself. It is principally a process of "selling yourself" to a prospective employer. It requires the same professional skill as that of the greatest sales person in the world. Unfortunatly,many people are very casual in their search and more often rely on luck to get a job. Success in life is not an accident; it is a conscious choice of a desired destiny.4. Getting a job starts with an interview; sadly many are ill prepared for this critical process and end up missing great opportunities. As a matter of fact, the secret of getting a job quickly is to look for an interview and not a job. The interview is the neccessary input for the required output `the job. The right focus will be to prepare to win at every interview because you will likely be offered the job upon satisfactory performance in the interview process.5. Deciding on your career is crucial to getting a job on time. Too many people merely float in life, but you must realize that employers require stable people. If you don't know where you want to be in the next five years, why would anybody want to hire you? A JOB IS A MEANS TO AN END AND NOT AN END ITSELF.The end, in this context, is your career. You will need to decide what a suitable career is, after a careful analysis of yourself. A careful analysis of yourself will include giving honest thought to your dreams,goals,aspirations,likes and dislikes,training and experience,personality type etc. 6. You must challenge your fears. This takes continuous personal discipline and training. You must take risks and force yourself to do things you shy away from. Fear is simply Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real. It comes to cripple your imagination which is the seat of creativity. The ability to conquer in life means facing difficulties and overcoming them. It means not losing courage when promises are not kept and when employers are rude.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Competitive Environment

INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATIONS WHO KNOW 'WHY' WILL ALWAYS BE AHEAD OF THOSE WHO MERELY KNOW 'HOW'. Having a job is very important. Infact,it is a primary requisite for a satisfactory life. It fulfils the requirements for purposeful living and provides a medium of usefulness in the society. Work is a necessary requirement for self actualization. In many developing countries,where jobs are scarce,most people are forced to accept any job that is available. Thus,they never get what they really want,and seldom want what they get. This ought not to be so and you have the power to make a choice. This begins with a well coordinated Job Search. A successful job search is all about your ability to convince a prospective employer that you can create and add value to their business or organization. Persistent failure to get and keep a job is often due to a lack of preparation to solve any problem. You can learn from this blog how to break out of the general negative beliefs and mindset,develop a successful job search plan and make progress in your career. The thoughts and ideas that i share in this blog work because they have worked in the lives of my friends and associates."If you are not willing to work for nothing,you will never be paid for something"pastor sola olubode".

Sunday, October 31, 2010

State of unemployment

The state of unemployment is one of the most dehumanizing situation a person could ever be in,because it hinders your inherent ability to contribute to the growth of the society. In this way,unemployment is not just an economic problem but a social problem. You tend to disconnect from social interactions if you have no further description of yourself beyond your name. To work,is to contribute to society. Work is the signature of personal creativity. However,navigating today's economic terrain can be very challenging without adequate information as a support system for direction. The situation is more pitiable in developing countries where the problem of unemployment,redundancy and career stagnation has almost become an epidemic. I am posting these articles to help you overcome the limitations of getting a job and making advancements in your career. The information contained in this blog will provide a valuable reference material for all those seeking employment in a competitive enviroment. IT IS MY EARNEST DESIRE THAT THIS BLOG WILL HELP YOU MAKE LIFE CHANGING DECISIONS AND SPUR YOU TO ACTION.

Friday, October 29, 2010


A PRACTICAL SOLUTION TO UNEMPLOYMENT AND CAREER STAGNATION IN A COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT.Have you been rejected at job search after many attempts? Do you already feel like giving up becaus of several disappointments and unfulfilled promises? Perhaps you need to read following story before you make your conclusion. Failed in business at the age of 22. Ran for legislature and failed age 23. Again failed in business age 24. Sweetheart died age 26. Had a nervous breakdown age 27. Defeated for Speaker age 29. Defeated for Elector age 31. Defeated for Congress age 34. Defeated for Congress again age 39. Defeated for senate age 46. Defeated for Vice President age 47. Defeated for Senate again age 49. Elected As President of the United States age 51. That's the story of Abraham Lincoln, one of the most distinguished Presidents of the United States of America. Now,what do you think? It's obvious that quitters don't win and winners don't quit. More important is the fact that the same level of knowledge at which they were created. The problem of unemployment can be effectively tackled through wise planning and the acquisition of appropriate knowledge that will put you on top. "The leap from misery to mastery in life will require superior knowledge"PASTOR SOLA OLUBODE.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Rich Dad,Poor Dad. I had two fathers,a rich and a poor one. One was highly educated and intelligent; he had a ph.D. and completed four years of undergraduate work in less than two years . He then went on to Stanford University. The university of chicago,and Northwestern university to do his advanced studies, all on full financial scholarships. The other father never finished the eight grade. Both men were successful in their careers, working hard all their lives. Both earned substantial incomes. Yet one struggled financially all his life. The other would become one of the richest men in Hawaii. One died leaving tens of millions of dollars to his family, charity and his church. The other left bills to be paid.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stock market

The stock market is where companies seeking long term funds to do business or to improve on their services and operations,build new factories and all that;source for money. It is also where investors sink their money in order for it to bring return to them.Therefore,the stock market becomes a ready instrument referred to as the stock exchange.In stock investment,you are not giving somebody money for business,but you are putting your money in an already existing business monitored by proven agencies,that give you the advantage of studying the business critically before investing your money. THE RIGHT ISSUE The right issue is the sale of company shares to existing shareholders at a price lower than the current market price.The advantage here is the ability to buy at lower than the current market price.It is the exclusive right of the existing shareholders to buy such shares. COLLATERAL FOR LOAN Shareholders can use their physical certificates of share ownership or the statement of shareholdings as collateral to secure loans from banks and other financial institutions while still reaping the benefits and dividends.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bonus/scripture issues

This is an additional share given to existing shareholders free of charge.It is normally allotted in proportion of the existing,it is popular to hear of one for one 1:1 or one for two i.e 1:2 or one for four i.e 1:4 etc. A one for one bonus declaration by a company means that for every unit share held previously by a shareholder will attract another unit to itself(free of charge).This means that shareholder who hold 10,000 unit of company "X" at the declaration of 1:1 bonus will now have 20,000 units of that company's shares.Thus,implies that one has a gain of 100% from one's investment excluding capital appreciation and dividend that one may be entitled to at same time.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Dividend is part of a company's profit that is distributed to all the shareholders according to the proportion of their shares in the company in some countries, like Nigeria dividends are declared twice or once in a year by companies.In companies where dividends are declared twice,the first portion is normally referred to as a interim dividend while the latter one is referred to as final dividends.Most people only know about dividends as the only benefit obtained from investment in shares. HOWEVER,THIS IS THE LEAST ATTRACTIVE BENEFIT COMPARED TO BONUS AND CAPITAL APPRECIATION.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Financial literacy

Discipline will make a man living on monthly wage of $30 for instance to be able to save $3 every month.On the other hand,indiscipline will make somebody netting $800.00k monthly in the same economic and enviromental conditions to give excuses(why the money is not enough for him) let alone saving from it.Alas,if such man did not avert from his life of indiscipline he is heading towards blank and irking future. Thus,saving is fundamental and basic requirement one must adhere to before one can be sure of being ready for the world of investment. In the words of Dennis Waitley"A man that has not mastered how to spell a cat is not expected to spell catastrophe".That is obvious since no one can invest out of nothing.One needs to save or plan today so as to invest from what one has saved tomorrow.Most people,if they have anything left at all after paying their bills they think the best thing to do is to put the left over (money) in a savings account in the bank or into life insurance.Nobody would possibly quarrel with such prudent course because these forms of saving or investment are essential.Therefore we are left with the question:"HOW BEST CAN WE INVEST OUR HARD EARNED MONEY"?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Protect your accounts from scams.These scams have been directed at banks,charities,companies and organizations seeking payment on the fraudulent securities.They have even gone to the extent to have your debit or credit card number.Never give out your account informations for transaction to any scam site.Criminals may ask you for your bank account number and then withdraw money from your account by creating a demand draft or making an electronic transfer. Don't let yourself be pressured into "free trial offers".A victim would rather look like someone that went to the stream and fetched some water with a basket,so as before he got home could not see any drop of water left.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Payment not made

Checkout the complaints of victims of scam sites."Good day, I have registered with and upgraded on 13 june 2010 I received a confirmation email that I am an upgraded member and will receive payment within 14 days.After 14 days nothing was paid to my paypal account" by louis van der westhuizen. Here is another victim of those scam sites"Though I have reached minimum payout as a free member,both of these sites( and did not pay anything"by Anupchowdhury. This particular victim of those sites is a friend of mine monday23 got the minimum required for withdrawal and submitted a request.They sat on the request for several months and then they changed the rules,you have to upgrade now to get paid.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


There is a question you should ask yourself when you are refered to a ptc,ptr or ptp sites.Are these sites accredited? BBB(Better Business Bureau) has to be satisfied with those sites, and make sure that they honour their commitment.They have to uphold to BBB accredition standards,which include a commitment to act in accordance with ethical business practices and to respond to customer complaints. ANALYSIS OF CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS When there are complaints from customers,they must give attention and a proper consideration.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The experience i'v had on the internet

I wanted to make extra cash and i was refered to a site.I surfed through,you can learn from this experience and when you are looking for ptr,ptc sites i will show you how to test them through google search.there you will see by yourself that there are numerous ptr,ptc scam sites.I'm going to show you how, for those that have not known about it. I was presented at first free $10 signup,geostring redirected me to a site that does not even relate to what they do.i'm going to show you how to know them.Be careful about them,someone once gave a testmony in ignorance in one of the muf sites( he was so excited saying that he had made a lot of money.You know the funiest thing?*1.He had not received the money.*2.He never knew that, and many other ptr, ptp ,ptc sites are, i visited those sites and i saw by myself.Now how do you know the untrusted  sites? Good,this is where you will know how. HOW SCAM PTRs cheat people? Scam PTRs don't operate under a trademark and they don't have a registered address.All they have is a primary website that is used as a working interface for affiliates to login to their account and click on ads.They will also have links to redeem your payments and send emails to the customer service team for queries.Once you enrol onto these sites,you will be provided a login ID and password similar to all affiliate sites.You need to click on the ads on a daily basis or whatsoever period provided by the company.Once you reach the payout limit,the screen will pop up a message for you to redeem your payment and a simultaneous message to confirm your redemption request.Their sites will look so real and designed like a legitimate site,that you can not know the different between the real or the bad ones.Mind you,that you will never get your payment.Trust me!! Follow the steps I described above to know them. This is the list of some scam sites that have a lot of people's and many more,just follow the steps i highlighted above to know them.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

BEWARE of scam sites!!!!!

Don't fall victim to scam PTR programes. This is how they cheat people 97% of PTR (Paid-to-read) programs cheat people.A lot of people have chose to enrol into PTR programs.There are companies around the world which offer legitimate PTR programs,but the worst part of it is that more than half of these companies are scam.This companies lure people with extravagent payouts such as $100 or 200 per ad,which is totally impossible.They will promise to make you a millionaire overnight,if you happen to come across these,please ignore them.Don't even bother to click on their website links. *HOW DO THESE SCAM SITES WORK? As shown before,scam sites lure people to join their programs.After spending numerous hours of your precious time and energy in CLICKING Ads for months,with a self-satisfaction that you will get paid,all you get is only disappointment-so boreing! I tell you,they wasted my precious time for months no results. So what do they get from us? If they make us CLICK on ads for months,and then cheat us by not paying anything,basically they get revenue by getting affiliates to pay membership fees which becomes their revenue. To really know what i'm talking about.Go to google search, type in the url of the site you want to test.leave a space and type in complaint e.g "complaint" or "sucks" then click search and you are good to go.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


As a way of contributing to your company's move to meet up with the government's vision of changing the face of the country we are proposing to construct and install urban shades for your carport,swimming pool,door way,generator stand and petrol station,urban shade.We fabricate and install mega shades for walk way design.On exterior plan is also part of what we do.We stock high violet ray shade fabric imported from south Africa,pipes and accessories.


The system for which all assumes responsibility are designed for optical flexibility,dependability and efficiency.Such criteria,the company uses every possible means including the latest technical capability to obtain the information required to meet the best design decision.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Iron and steel.

WELCOME: In less than 20 years as a
limited liability company with the
corporate affairs commision of Nigeria (
RC:449967)Aulsteel have contributed to
the stable supply of steel and related
materials construction,manufacturing,
oil and gas and other industrial
companies. MATERIALS WE SELL: Steel
materials,steel pipes,rods,steel plates
etc oil tools.Gate values Heavy Duty
beams pilling sheets Galvanized steel
metal and Galvanized Granting oil well
drilling equipment materials and

Friday, February 12, 2010


CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION SERVICES: Pipelines,flow linesand pump terminals(EPLI) & Repairs) oil and gas process pipe work & facility fabrication upgrade(EPLI) & Repairs) Tank construction(EPLI) & Repairs) ware housing construction. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE: Engineering,civic structural design and stress analysis,process/mechanical and hydraulic,sure analysis and corrosion protection analysis. Procurement:Technical and commercial specification,bid solicitation and evaluation,purchase order and contracts expanding and material receipt,Inspection and test withness. PROJECT MANAGEMENT : Project plan and procedures,budget and cost control,scheduling, contract administration project execution etc. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT: Construction planning,contract strategy and bid packages. RESOURCES: Finance,Aulsteel Investment Ltd has the financial resources with which to back its contractual obligation.


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