Think about it. A lot of people who have jobs are dissatisfied with their jobs because they are trying to solve the right problem for the wrong employer. On the other hand, some others are trying to solve the wrong problem for the right employer. The best thing you can do then, is to prepare yourself to be the right problem`solver. Don't wait for someone to call you and give you a job. It is not wise to wait until work knocks at your door. It probably won't. Invest in yourself and look for opportunities to solve problems. If there are no opportunities, create them. You have to blaze your own employment trail. Sometimes,the recommendation of someone may help, but if you do not have this priviege, step out all the same. Someone will look at your merits and connect with you. There is a great deal of satisfaction in being able to stand alone and succeed. Life is how you look at it and what you make of it. Your attitudes and perceptions will determine your actions. The number of opportunities a person has in life depends not on how"lucky"he is, but on how well he has traind his mind to see opportunities in ordinary daily routines and occurrences. Success or failure depends more on the individual than his environment. What is your perception of life? It matters how you perceive your world. You will have to become "inverse paranoid" to succeed in a competitive environment. Let me explain. Being "inverse paranoid" is the belief that everything in life is conspiring together to help you succeed. With this kind of mind`set, the people that gravitate towards you will be those with your kind of attitude.