For thousands of years,the Inuit people of Alaska and Canada have hunted whales as their primary source of food. They go out into the ocean in small boats, and pound on drums and the side of their boats to drive the whales toward shore(whales have very sensitive hearing, you know). Then, when the whales are in shallow water, they attack and kill them. Now they use harpoon guns and more advanced weapons, but they used to do it with little more than spears. Now why on earth would they do that? There are much simpler and less dangerous game they could hunt-geese,rabbits,seals,walruses even. They could fish. Why go after the largest, most powerful mammal on earth? For that matter, why did primitive humans hunt mastodons? We've all seen the "artist' recreations" of a tribe of scantily clad Neanderthals surrounding a wooly mammoth the size of a beachfront condo,attacking it with little more than sharpened sticks. Okay. So why did they do that? Why not pick on something your own size?