Concern for impact: A person demonstrating this competency will: ¡.Try to have a
specific impact on others ¡¡. Use or suggest strategies for influencing others(such as possibility of reward,convincing through the use of logical argument). 2. Conceptual Thinking: A person demonstrating competency will: ¡. See connections or patterns between seemingly unrelated facts or events. ¡¡. Be able to identify the major issues in a complex situation 3. Analytical Thinking: A person demonstrating this competency will: ¡. Be able to describe problems in terms of cause and effect. ¡¡. Solve complex problems by breaking them down into manageable components or logical steps ¡¡¡. Consider alternative ways of solving problem 3. Interpersonal Astuteness: A person demonstrating this competency will: ¡. Be able to state how others likely to react in a situation ¡¡. Make plans and then take into account how others are likely to react ¡¡¡. Be able to note and interpret the non-verbal behavior of others. 4. Effective Communication: A person demonstrating this competency will: ¡. Use simple examples to communicate complex issues ¡¡. Be understood by others clearly and effectively ¡¡¡. Make effective use of data to support ideas.5. Flexibility: A person demonstrating this competency will: ¡. Be able to articulate serveral perspectives on problem ¡¡. Be able to switch to alternate strategies when necessary.