Nothing is impossible if you try hard."Wish for the Moon", used to be seeking something impossible, yet man tried that"impossibility" and made it possible. Greatness and success await every man who will rise above failures, and use defeat as a stepping stone to victory. If you are deluged by discouragement, it means that you need to re`order your thinking process. The desire to grow and to make the most ourselves is within all of us. We are conscious of the fact that we have resources yet untapped, talents we have never used, and capacities which have never been tested. Ambition is like the picture printed on a seed packet. You know what you want and what you expect. If you are without ambition you are like a gardener who plants seed from a packet which has no label. He does not know what to expect and cannot prepare accordingly. For your life to have any value,you must have an ambition and a determination to reach your goal. You must believe that you have a purpose to fulfill.