Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Highlight your proposal

It is a good idea to highlight your proposal so the customer can quickly find the high-value content that directly addresses the factors he or she thinks are important. For proactive opportunities, customers tend to search on their own key criteria until they find a differentiator. Then they stop and make a decision. This implies that it's vital that we organize our sales presentations and proposals to focus right away on the criteria that the customer thinks are most important. Often, these factors will address issues such as: # 1. Are we getting what we need? Does this solve a significant business problem? Will the proposed solution work in our environment? # 2. Can this vendor really do it? Do they have the experience and resources to perform on time and on budget? Are they competent? # 3. Does this represent good value for the money? Is the proposed pricing fair? What kind of return on our investment will we receive? Don't forget to post your comment.

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